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The Best Website Profile Creation Guide for eHarmony

woman creating profile on eHarmony

Is eHarmony the best website for you? As you will see in this profile setup walkthrough there are a lot of reasons to think so.

You can signup now for an eHarmony Trial and follow along with our guide.

They were the first to use computer algorithms to create matches. They were the first to automate a lot of the online dating process. Now they are continuing to push the envelope in terms of site design and ease of use.

eHarmony is flat out the easiest and most beautiful sight you will find.

In these areas, eHarmony is hands down one of the best websites out there. For that reason and many more eHarmony ended up on our Best Cougar Dating Site list.

The best website design you will see is constantly on display. They do an absolutely fantastic job of simplifying the process without having you write out a laundry list of answers. eHarmony will collect a lot more information about you than any of our other top websites but they put it to good use.

Creating the best possible profile is critical even when you are being automatically matched with compatible cougars. Follow the steps below to put yourself in the best position to take your matches to the next level.

The Best Website Profile Guide For eHarmony

eHarmony the best cougar website starting screen

eHarmony is well known for asking a lot of questions. That is how they are able to generate the best website matches for each of their members.

Step #1 - Answer a TON of short questions

Do yourself a favor and take a little time to answer these questions honestly. It will pay off in the long run. If you do get impatient and click really fast you will get a popup that stops you anyways! Since there are so many questions being asked I am only going to go over the ones that require a little thought. They became known as the best website for data-driven stats for a reason!

The first question that is a little tricky is having to pick four words that describe yourself. Most of the words are positive and these won't be seen by your matches. You should answer honestly to ensure the best matching. There really isn't a "wrong answer here.

Once you are past this you will get the notification that you are 35% done. Not too bad after all. It's thoughtfulness like that that keeps eHarmony in rankings of best website year after year.

You will continue to answer a lot more questions that are all very straightforward.

The Apps Dating Coaches Recommend Most To Meet Cougars

More and more older women are only using apps and sites to meet guys, especially younger guys. You need to be on at least one or two apps now if you want to get the best results you can. These are the apps that give normal guys the best success meeting cougars:

SiteOur ExperienceOur RatingFree Trial Link
Best Hookup Site Cougars
Experience Highlights
Experience Highlights
  • The best way to meet cougars for hookups by far
  • Best results for regular guys
  • Over 60 million active members
  • Not good for long-term relationships
Try AFF For Free
Best For Relationships
Experience Highlights
Experience Highlights
  • Easily the best option for long-term relationships
  • 75% of all online marriages start here
  • 70% of users meet their spouse within a year
  • In-depth signup and matching process
Try eHarmony
2nd Best For Hookups
Experience Highlights
Experience Highlights
  • 2nd best option to find hookups
  • Attracts an older crowd than most hookup apps
  • Pretty popular
  • Great free trial
Try Passion

Step #2 - How should you think about your profile on the best website

Before we answer the short answer questions directly we should talk about our overall approach to the short answer questions. Since women will be reading these answers word-for-word we want to make sure they pop. So if you understand what a cougar is and what she wants, you'll be able to answer in a way that will appeal to them/

Aside from the pictures you will post later, the written answers are what women will be drawn to. If you fill this out correctly you will paint a picture of a fun and interesting life that any of your matches on eHarmony will be attracted to. There are a few general practices that you should follow for best results:

Be articulate and concise

While eHarmony is the best website in terms of competition for you they will still be browsing other profiles. You need to be able to get her attracted quickly so that she will ignore the other messages she is receiving.

Even an amazing writer is going to have a difficult time holding her attention on a webpage. Get her interested and get her taking action to message you back ASAP!

Attention spans are short these days. A mature younger man who can get to the point will have a big advantage here. And it will save you a HUGE amount of time. If you try dating outside of the best website this becomes even more important.

Use good grammar and proper spelling

You want to portray yourself as intelligent, put together, and mature. Bad grammar and poor spelling are two deal-breakers for many older women.

Be sure you take a few extra seconds to proofread what you write before submitting it! It can make an enormous difference!

Don't tell her, show her

Even the best website is full of boring guys claiming to be funny, exciting, and adventurous. Nobody believes them!

Once you have read more than a few profiles you realize just how cheap talk is. This is especially true when men are talking to women.

Any attractive older woman is going to quickly learn how to spot the posers from the real men. To put yourself in the "real men" category you need to show her.

Actions speak much, much, louder than words on the best website

If you want women to think you are funny be funny. If you want her to think you are witty tell a witty story. Nobody remembers the guy who claimed to be the funniest guy around. Everyone remembers the guy who can get everyone cracking up.

If you can write a profile that makes a woman FEEL like you are funny you will be successful. If she has to manually attach the trait of "funny" to your profile she won't remember.

Women remember FEELINGS not text.

The difference is vital!

Speaking of which:

Be funny if you are funny

Everyone loves to laugh and be around people who are funny. Not everyone is naturally funny but you don't have to tell jokes all day to be considered a funny person.

If you can mix in a few witty comments or funny observations during a conversation that will be enough. If you can keep her crying with laughter that is even better.

If you are not funny don't worry. There are plenty of older women out there who like more serious men.

Confidence and passion go a long way on the best website

Women. Love. Confidence.

It is that simple. Especially when you are dating an older woman you have to at least portray confidence. Don't be afraid to speak your mind but there is a risk of being arrogant.

You want your profile to read like a list of your most impressive accomplishments, most interesting hobbies, and your passions in life. If you can make her feel something when reading about you that is huge.

You want to come off as a man who has his whole life together and is open to meeting someone similarly great. You are not looking to be made whole but to find a partner in crime. Why else would you be on a dating website, even the best website, unless it was to find a great cougar?

Describe a reality that she would love to be a part of.

Be uniquely you

There are a ton of guys online dating and almost all of them fall into the same habits. Read a few profiles of other guys out there and you will see what I mean.

You need to show that you are not like the rest but without trying too hard. You are taking the first step with this guide which is great.

You are not trying to be her best friend. You are not trying to be her pal. You are going to be her equal and lover. Act like it. Don't be afraid to add your own personal spin.

Leave her desiring more

Avoid the temptation to write a full biography leaving nothing to the imagination. Women like a mystery. You want to let her have a little taste of what you have to offer and then make her work for the rest. This is a piece of advice you'll always find on cougar dating books.

The whole goal of a profile is to get her to message you or for her to message you back. Then you can work to quickly meet up in the real world. Even the best website is no substitute for face-to-face attraction.

Short. Sweet. Intriguing.

Step #3 - What are you passionate about?

This is a great question. Think a little and see what you can come up with. You want to make sure that you describe them in a way that is interesting and can make her FEEL what you feel.

For instance, if you are passionate about surfing don't say "surfing". Tell a story.

"I love waking up before the sun rises and walking down to the sandy cool beach with my surfboard. The chill of the water in the morning doesn't stop me from paddling out for those first waves. The feeling of wind in my hair and ocean spray on my cheeks as I ride those first sunrise waves is without compare."

Stories are memorable facts are not.

Step #4 - Describe two or three things that you most enjoy in your leisure time

You will want to answer this in a similar way to the previous question. Try to give a few examples that are not too closely related. You want to come off as well-rounded.

Step #5 - Three things you are thankful for (also the last written question)

This is an opportunity to brag a little and mix in some seriousness. Try to include things from a few different areas of your life (family, friends, financial success, etc).

Honesty works great here, but don't just give a single-word answer. Have some depth.

You can answer the questions about income and age after that truthfully. They will impact your matches.

Step #6- Age range

This is why we are here. You will get more matches if you have a wider age range. It is usually better to have a wide range so that you can pick and choose instead of letting eHarmony do it. But if you're looking for cougars on eHarmony, go for the more mature end of the age range.

Even though they are the best website they don't know you as well as you do.

Step #7 - The ever-important photos

Having photos that show you at your most interesting will go a long way on eHarmony. Older women are going to take a look at your photos first and will be observant for any inconsistency. You are not dealing with an amateur here.

Make sure you are using a photo that is current enough that you will be recognized. Nobody wants surprises when you meet in person unless they are positive.

Since you are dating on the best site you should expect to be held to a high standard. The women browsing your photos should be able to feel that you are interesting and a fun guy to be around. You want the cougars to seduce you and make a move on you, and the best way to do that is to have great photos.

Having several photos showing you in different fun or impressive scenarios is ideal. For instance:

  • Doing something athletic
  • Doing something outside
  • Dressed up
  • With other hot older or younger women

Step #8 - Done!

Now you are ready to try out the best cougar website!


The hard work is done and you can start meeting the matches that only the best website can deliver. You can start making a move on cougars on eHarmony and see where it takes you.

You can signup for an eHarmony Trial now to start.

If you want to increase you pool of eligible cougars check out CougarLife and Match, the other two top rated sites from our Cougar Dating Site Review. All three sites are the best places to find and meet a cougar.

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