Met on in 2010, Married in 2014
Their Story
Billy, 28
Assistant of Operations in Scranton, PA
Alicia, 28
Marketing Specialist in Bloomsburg, PA
What’s next: marriage!
Billy proposed to Alicia in October 2013
Update! Billy & Alicia got married on 11/1/2014!
“From the moment we began to speak, my feelings for Alicia grew exponentially. She was genuine, funny, open minded, and beautiful, inside and out.”
— Billy
Alicia's Story
Who sent the first message, you or Billy?
I “poked” Billy first. He was the one to send the first message that sparked our first conversation.
What did you like about Billy’s approach?
I specifically remember he made me laugh and seemed really excited to hear back from me.
Why Billy? What made you want to learn more about him?
Of course, I thought he looked cute from his profile pic! Billy’s profile came across as genuine, and real, and we had a lot of the same interests. And it was humorous, which I’m a sucker for. Plus, he met my height requirements. 🙂 (Alicia is 5’10”.)
“Billy was so easy to talk to. He always kept the conversation moving by asking a lot of questions, and wanted to learn as much as possible about me. I felt the chemistry immediately.”
How long did you wait before meeting Billy?
It was about a week and a half from the first message to the first date.
How did you get from messaging each other to your first meeting?
We gradually worked our way up the communication ladder. It started with messages, then AIM. After that, we exchanged phone numbers and texted each other, then finally phone calls. Billy suggested our first date—meeting at a restaurant for dinner, then a movie.
How did you know you were ready to meet Billy?
We clicked very quickly. Billy made me feel comfortable, and he was so easy to talk to. He always kept the conversation moving by asking a lot of questions, and wanted to learn as much as possible about me. We talked for hours every night that first week. I was very excited to finally meet him (but nervous too)!
“Billy’s profile came across as genuine, and real, and we had a lot of the same interests.”
After you met Billy, did you think his profile did him justice?
I do think Billy’s profile did him justice. His profile was honest and detailed—but not too detailed. I think it’s good to leave some information for face-to-face (or even phone) conversations. Some information is just meant for a more intimate setting—you don’t want to put your whole life online.
How many guys did you meet in person through online dating before meeting Billy?
I only met one other guy in person before meeting Billy—about a week before meeting Billy. It does feel like fate with Billy because I met him so soon. But chemistry is important. I wasn't completely interested in the first guy I met, but I didn't want to give up on him so quickly, either. But then I made contact with Billy, and I felt chemistry immediately.
“If you’re interested in a girl, make her feel that you are. Don’t ask one question and then expect her to do the work. We want to feel like you care about what we have to say.”
What were your biggest pet peeves about online dating?
The lack of proofreading skills. No, isn’t English class, but it’s important to reread messages before sending.
Also, lack of effort in communicating. It was frustrating when a guy expressed interest, but then made me do all the work to keep the conversation going.
What online dating tips do you have for guys?
Spell check and proofread! Show that you put effort into your messages.
Also, if you’re interested in a girl, make her feel that you are. Don’t ask one question and then expect her to do the work. We want to feel like you care about what we have to say.
Thanks, Alicia!
(Interview by MenAskEm, Nov. 2013)
Billy's Story
What made you try online dating?
When I first tried online dating (at 18), I was a bit shy toward new people, especially girls. But I tried using AIM along with online dating and found that AIM helped me be open, while still portraying exactly who I was.
So I would start on an online dating site, then talk on AIM, transition to the phone, and finally meet in person. That sequence eliminated the awkwardness of meeting someone for the first time face-to-face.
What did you like about online dating?
I liked that initially I could be myself, but at a distance. To be able to communicate with someone for the first time via an email or an instant message allows you to put thought and consideration into your feelings. You can say what you really want to say – without getting the jitters, or have the awkwardness of sitting across the table from someone for the first time, trying to make the perfect first impression while your brain goes a million miles per second.
“As long as you remain yourself and sincere, talking to someone online before meeting them in person is a great coping tool for meeting new people. ”
How many girls did you meet in person through online dating before meeting Alicia?
I met four other girls before I met Alicia. Three didn’t go too far, simply because we were not compatible. But one of the relationships lasted for a year, until she moved away for college and we split up.
What was it about Alicia that made you want to meet her?
What most people notice first in online dating: her appearance. We also shared many similarities in our profiles. She also seemed happy, stable, and personable. After exchanging a private message, I knew very quickly that I wanted to try to get to know her more. So I went to my recipe for online dating success: I chatted with her on AIM, then I called her, soon after that we met in person – and here I sit four years later, planning a wedding to marry her.
Do you tell people that you and Alicia met through online dating?
“Yes, I share that information anytime the topic is brought up.”
When did you realize Alicia was the one for you?
I’m not sure there was an exact time or occurrence when I made that decision. But from the moment we began to speak, my feelings for her grew exponentially. She was genuine, funny, open minded, and beautiful, inside and out. Her goodness and aura reminds me daily that she was meant for me. Couple all that with an entire family that shares those same traits. I could not imagine anyone else.
“Life is full of opportunity. Why deny yourself a gateway into potentially finding love that’s only a few clicks away?”
Can you share any online dating tips for men?
The Internet is a great tool. Online dating is no exception. When used with caution and respect, online dating can change your life so easily. There is no sure way to find true love online. However, with patience and careful consideration, you can find what you’re looking for, just as I did. I tried online dating for 8 years before I found someone I fell in love with. Life is full of opportunity and, in this era, the options are so abundant. Why deny yourself a gateway into potentially finding love that's only a few clicks away?
(Interview by MenAskEm, Nov. 2013)