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32 Psychological Signs Someone Likes You: What to Look Out For

What are the telltale psychological signs someone likes you? When you're a man looking for a potential date, wouldn't it be extremely helpful to know, just by noticing a woman's actions and reactions, you could tell if she secretly likes you?

It's not always easy to tell. After all, women are masters at hiding their true feelings. They may secretly like you but not show it, or they may not be attracted to you but treat you like they do.

Despite that, there are some signs a woman will subconsciously show when she secretly likes you. And these are the signs she couldn't hide even if she tried. This article will introduce you to the most common psychological signs someone likes you, even if she tries to hide it.

32 Psychological Signs Someone Likes You

The more than 30 signs you'll learn about in this article are divided into four categories:

  1. Signs she'll show when you're in a conversation with her
  2. Signs she'll show through her personality and actions
  3. Signs she'll show through her body language
  4. Signs she'll show when she tries to get your validation

Let's start with the first category.

Signs She'll Show During a Conversation With You

Pay close attention to the following signs the next time you're conversing with a woman you like. They'll tell you she secretly likes you, even if she says otherwise.

#1: She's Fun to Talk To

When you talk to her, does she go out of her way to keep things fun? She may interject, tell jokes, or share stories--like she's invested in keeping the conversation going.

If she does, then she probably likes you. She wouldn't bother and let you lead the conversation if she didn't.

(NOTE: If you want to learn how to talk to girls in a way that makes them feel attracted to you, read this article next.)

#2: She Pays Very Close Attention to You

When a woman pays very close attention to you, it's a telltale sign she likes you. She might ask questions about your life, intently listen when you talk, or even remember the details of your conversations.

Not only that, but she'll also start mimicking your words and behavior. For example, if you say a certain phrase, she might say it back to you in the same context sometime later. So, if you find her paying close attention to your words and behavior when you're around each other, then there's a good chance she likes you.

#3: She Takes Note of Your Needs

Another way to spot psychological signs someone likes you is to see how she respects your needs. Women are natural caretakers. When a woman notices your needs, she cares about your well-being and looks out for you.

So if you find her offering to get you food, drinks, or even just lending a listening ear when you need it, there's a good chance she likes you.

Another sign she likes you is when she detects and respects your boundaries. If, say, you decline to talk about a personal issue, and she respects it, that's another sign she likes you in a special way.

Dating Apps to Try If She Doesn't Actually Like You

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#4: She's Honest With Her Compliments

Complimenting someone is an effective way of showing you care about and appreciate them. It makes the other person feel special while boosting their self-esteem.

Furthermore, when someone gives genuine compliments, they demonstrate they're paying attention to the other person and recognizing their unique qualities.

So if you find her giving you genuine compliments, you can be pretty sure she likes you.

#5: She Opens Up to You a Lot

When a woman opens up to you, she's showing that she trusts and respects you. She trusts you will be understanding of what she has to say. Likewise, she respects you to the extent she's willing to share her most intimate thoughts with you.

If a woman opens up to you about her deepest secrets, you can bet she trusts you a lot--probably more than her best friends.

(TIP: If you ever wanted to learn how to make a woman feel comfortable enough to start opening up to you, here's the next article you should read.)

#6: She Tries to Talk About the Future

One of the most significant psychological signs someone likes you is when they talk about the future. When a woman is interested in you, she'll want to know more about you and envision your future together. This desire to plan for the future together shows she wants more than just a casual relationship with you.

So, if you find her talking about the future, she's likely interested in a relationship with you--or at least seriously considering it.

#7: She Doesn't Judge You

It's a telltale sign a woman likes you when she doesn't judge you, even when you say or do something that usually turns other people off. This is because she cares about your opinion. It also tells you she has already formed an emotional bond with you--so much so that she's willing to look past your flaws.

So if a woman doesn't judge you, it means she's rooting for you--she's firmly in your corner. And her full support is a great thing to have if you ever start a relationship.

What's more, not judging is a sign of maturity. If you like her, too, then that's yet another good sign for you.

Signs She'll Show Through Her Personality and Actions

Smiling during her coffee date

We've just covered seven psychological signs she likes you that show through her words. Now, let's talk about her actions. Take note of these six signs she'll show when she's with you.

#8: She's Peppier When She's With You

Women may not always verbalize their feelings, but they can still show them through their behavior. In this case, her liveliness and energy when you're around is a sign she enjoys your company and likes being around you.

So if you find her more energetic around you, she's looking to make a good impression. Here's a tip: Check her voice pitch when she's around you and when she's with someone else. If her voice pitch is higher when she's with you, it's yet another sign she secretly likes you.

#9: She's More Positive and Optimistic Around You

One of the more telltale psychological signs someone likes you is when they're more positive around you. When a woman is more optimistic around you than when she's by herself, it means your presence puts her in a good mood. If you're a naturally happy person, it may also mean you're rubbing off on her--which is yet another sign she likes you.

For example, a girl who is usually quite pessimistic may suddenly feel more positive and optimistic around you. That's a surefire sign she has feelings for you!

#10: She's Curious About Your Life

When she's curious about your life, she's invested in knowing you better. She wants to understand your history and what makes you tick.

So if you find her asking questions about your life, it's a positive sign that she likes you and wants to get to know you better. This goes double when she asks about your love life.

#11: She Shows Affection Without Saying Anything

When a woman shows affection through her actions, it's another sign she likes you. One example is when she makes physical contact with you. She might touch your arm or leg when talking, hug you when saying goodbye, or even find excuses to sit close to you.

#12: She's Her Real Self When She's With You

Here's one of the most apparent psychological signs someone likes you: When she takes her masks off.

When a woman is her true self around you, she feels comfortable and safe enough to "let her hair down." She trusts and feels accepted by you, so she doesn't need to wear a mask or try to get your approval.

For example, if she's usually more reserved and quiet around her friends but opens up to you and is much more talkative, then it's a sign she's being herself around you. A big sign she likes you is when she reveals her secrets.

#13: She Gets Jealous When Other People Flirt With You

Jealousy is an emotion that often arises when someone is attracted to another person. So if a woman gets jealous when other people flirt with you, it could mean she has feelings for you. It's her way of showing she doesn't want anyone else to "win" you.

So if you notice her getting a bit jealous when other people flirt with you, it's a sign that she doesn't want anyone to take her little special place in your life.

Fair warning, though—if she's unreasonably jealous, that's terrible news for any future relationship with her.

Signs She'll Show Through Her Body Language

If you're looking for subtle signs that a woman likes you, watch for these body language cues. They can indicate her true feelings and may even help you start the conversation to take your relationship to the next level.

#14: She Touches You

Touch is an intimate form of communication, and when a woman willingly touches you, she trusts and respects you. More importantly, it indicates her feelings for you. The more comfortable and familiar she is with you, the more she'll want to touch you.

If she touches your arm or shoulder when she talks to you, it means she wants to get closer to you physically and emotionally. When she touches your chest, it's a bit trickier—here's how to tell if she likes you that way.

#15: She Leans In When You Talk

Here's one of the easiest-to-miss psychological signs someone likes you—they lean in while you're conversing.

When a woman leans in while talking to you, it's another hidden sign that she likes you. Leaning in shows interest, openness, and attentiveness.

What does leaning in look like? Commonly, she may lean in with her shoulder or torso. It's also a hidden invitation for you to lean in too.

So if you observe her leaning in when talking to you and making physical contact, it's a good sign she has feelings for you.

#16: She Makes Eye Contact a Lot

Making eye contact a lot is one of the most overlooked signs that a woman likes you. Eye contact can be used to express interest, openness, and attentiveness in a non-verbal way. This type of body language tells us that someone is listening closely and paying attention to what we say.

When people like each other, they tend to make more eye contact than usual. If you catch her looking at you with a bit of longing, it could be a sign she likes you.

#17: She's a Bit Nervous Around You

When a woman is a bit nervous around you, it's often a sign that she likes you. This type of behavior can be challenging to detect as it is usually hidden, but there are several subtle signs you can look out for.

One sign is that she often becomes awkward and shy when talking to you. She may also play with her hair or fidget nervously, which are all signs that she likes you and is trying to hide it.

#18: She Turns to Face You

One of the lesser-known psychological signs someone likes you is when they turn their bodies to face you, and not just their heads.

It is a sign when a woman turns her body to face you, as it signifies that she is interested in what you have to say and cares about your opinion. This type of behavior is often difficult to detect, as it may be subtle or even subconscious. However, several signs can tell you if she likes you.

For example, if she is always pointing her toes in your direction or facing her body toward you when talking, it could be a sign that she is interested in what you are saying and wants to get closer to you. Other signs include leaning in toward you and maintaining eye contact. All these signs indicate that she likes you and wants to impress you.

#19: She Blushes When She's With You

Blushing can indicate she's interested in you, as it's a physiological response to being attracted to or feeling uncomfortable with someone. When a woman blushes around someone she likes, it's a vital sign of her hidden feelings.

So if she constantly blushes around you, take it as a sign she likes you. If you like her, too, then be a gentleman and take things to the next level--she's definitely ready for it.

Signs She'll Show When She Tries to Get Your Validation

Showing mixed signals

Lastly, note if a woman tries to get your validation or approval. She wouldn't need to do that outside of a working relationship unless she wanted you to like her back. Keep an eye out for these signs in particular:

#20: She Tries to Meet Your Friends

When a woman wants to meet, your friends, it's often a sign that she likes you. Meeting your friends is an important step for her because it shows that she trusts you and is interested in getting to know more about you. It's an indication that she wants to become more involved in your life and is looking for your approval and validation.

So if she's trying to meet your friends, it could signify that she likes you and wants to get closer.

#21: She Flirts Openly With You

This is one of the most unmistakable psychological signs someone likes you—when they flirt openly with you.

Flirting is a common way for people to express their attraction and desire for another person. When a woman flirts openly with you, it can be an indication that she has feelings for you.

One example of open flirting is when she compliments you or makes subtle sexual comments. This could be anything from telling you how attractive you are to making suggestive jokes about your relationship. When a woman does this, it's often a sign that she is attracted to you and wants your attention.

If you observe her flirting with you openly and unmistakably, she likes you and wants you to return the favor. In particular, take note when she plays hard to get—most times, it's a dead giveaway of her feelings.

#22: She Playfully Challenges You

When a woman playfully challenges you, it's often a sign she likes you more than just "as a friend." This behavior is often seen as an indicator of attraction because it showcases her interest in learning more about you. Playful challenges also demonstrate that she is comfortable enough with you to joke around and push your boundaries.

For example, she may challenge you to a game of pool or make up a silly competition that involves you. Whatever it is, if she's trying to get your attention and have fun with you in the process, it could be proof that she likes you.

#23: She Loves Being With You in Public

When a woman loves being with you in public, it can be a hidden sign that she likes you. It's a clear indication of her comfort level with you and her desire to publicly show her affection. For instance, when she smiles at you and holds your hand in public, it shows that she feels comfortable enough to be seen with you and is proud to have you by her side.

If you catch her wanting to spend time with you in public, it could be a sign that she likes you and wants the world to know it.

#24: She Tries to Know Your Likes and Dislikes

One of the more evident psychological signs someone likes you is when they try to know what you like and don't like.

Knowing a person's preferences indicates that someone is interested in them. When a woman tries to know your likes and dislikes, it can be seen as a hidden sign that she likes you. This behavior shows her interest in understanding who you are on a deeper level.

For instance, if she actively listens to what you say and remembers essential things, it could be a sign that she likes you more than just as a friend. If you catch her paying close attention and trying to learn your preferences, it may indicate her hidden feelings for you.

#25: She Tries to Impress You With Her Looks

When a woman tries to impress you with her looks, it's often a hidden sign that she likes you. This type of behavior can be hard to spot, as it may be subtle or even subconscious. However, there are several signs that can tell you if she likes you.

One example is when she makes an obvious effort to look nice around you, such as wearing her best outfit and doing her makeup. Another sign is when she checks herself in the mirror or fixes her hair while talking to you. All these behaviors signify that she likes you and is trying to get your attention through her appearance.

When she dresses up for you, do her a favor and give her what she wants.

#26: She Tries to Make You Feel Special

When a woman tries to make you feel special, it is a hidden sign that she likes you. This type of behavior usually manifests in the form of small gestures or thoughtful acts. For example, if she remembers the small details you tell her about yourself, like your favorite food or hobbies, then she is likely interested in you and wants to make you feel special.

She may also do other things, such as offering to do something nice for you or buying a small gift for no reason – anything that shows her appreciation for you. If she does this regularly, it's a clear sign that she likes you and hopes you'll notice.

#27: She Loves Making You Laugh

Laughter can indicate genuine attraction, and when a woman loves making you laugh, it's often a hidden sign that she likes you. Laughter is a form of communication between two people, as it creates an intimate bond and allows for connection and understanding on a deeper level. When a woman laughs with you and enjoys your company, it can be a sign that she has feelings for you.

If you observe her cracking jokes or laughing at many things you say, she's interested in you and hopes you'll notice soon.

#28: She Tries to Make Plans With You

When a woman tries to make plans with you, it's often a sign of her hidden attraction. This behavior demonstrates that she is interested in getting to know you better and spending more time with you. It could be as simple as asking to hang out or suggesting a date night, but it shows that she wants to create an opportunity for the two of you to get closer.

It also shows that she is actively trying to make time for you and is willing to prioritize her schedule to spend time with you. If you catch her frequently making plans and inviting you out--she likes you, bro.

#29: She Tries to Get (and Stay) in Contact

When a woman tries to get (and stay) in contact, it can indicate that she likes you. This type of behavior signifies that she is interested in getting to know you better and is willing to make time for you. It usually manifests in several ways, such as through frequent texts, phone calls, or even surprise visits.

For example, if she makes an effort to contact you every day or sends you a text out of the blue, it could be a sign that she likes you and wants to stay in touch. So if you observe her actively trying to get (and stay) in contact with you, it may indicate her hidden feelings for you.

#30: She Confesses Her Feelings

Confessing her feelings for you is one of the most potent hidden signs that a woman likes you. It reveals her genuine attraction, and she'll only do this when she's comfortable enough around you to let down her guard.

On the other hand, when a woman accidentally confesses her feelings, it is often an unconscious act that reveals her innermost desires and emotions.

For instance, if she slips up and admits that she has a crush on you or expresses her admiration for you, it's safe to assume she likes you more than just as a friend. So if you catch her confessing her feelings for you, it may be time to take the next step in your relationship.

#31: She Tries to Be Physically Close to You

When a woman tries to be physically close to you, it can be a hidden sign that she likes you. Physical closeness indicates physical attraction and can be expressed in many different ways.

One example is when she stands very close to you or tries to touch you affectionately. You may also notice that she gets flustered when you initiate physical contact, which signifies her hidden feelings for you. If she tries to get physically close to you, try to pull her closer and see how she reacts.

#32: She Happily Gives You Her Time

When a woman happily gives you her time, it is often a hidden sign that she has stronger feelings for you than friendship. She's tweaking her schedule to spend more time with you. She might look forward to long conversations, shared activities, or a simple walk with you.

If you notice her happily making an effort to spend more time with you, then she likes you and hopes you like her, too.

Is the Feeling Mutual?

There you have it—the top 32 psychological signs someone likes you. So, how many signs is she showing to you?

Counting at least eight of the 32 signs in this article is a good indication of how she feels about you. Now, the ball's in your court.

What do you do if she clearly likes you but hasn't confessed her feelings or said it out loud?

If the feeling is mutual, then the kindly and manly thing to do would be to tell her how you feel. And luckily for you, we've written an article about just that. Click here to learn how to tell a girl you like her—even if you're a shy person.

Good luck!

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