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10 Bumble Questions That Always Get Responses in 2025

Ask her some fun Bumble questions and she'll never stop texting you

The thing about Bumble is that women usually make the first move. Great, since you don't have to come up with an opener. But not-so-great if all you get are the typical "Hi," "hello," "how are you?" The answer? Coming up with great Bumble questions so that you can keep the conversation going.

Bumble requires a slightly different approach when it comes to texting women. It's different from other dating apps in that women need to find the confidence to actually message their matches before anything happens. With that shift in dynamic also comes a shift in your approach. And that approach comes in form of a good question to keep the conversation going.

Why You Need Good Questions to Ask on Bumble

According to recent stats, Bumble is the second most popular dating app in America, proceeding Match, Hinge, and eHarmony. That’s not even the best part.

Stats also show that Bumble’s female to male percentage is way better than Tinder. For every single woman on Bumble, we have almost nine guys swiping on her. Whereas in Bumble it’s only 4/1.

This doesn’t mean that Bumble has more women than Tinder. However, more women gravitate towards Bumble, which is basically promoted as a “female-friendly” app. That's good for you as a man looking for the app that will maximize your results the most.

The thing about Bumble is that women usually make the first move. This seems great at first, since you don't have to come up with an opener. However, soon after using the app, you’ll realize two things:

It’s easier to wow a girl with a good opener than to turn around her lame “hi” into a fun conversation

Women are terrible conversation starters, at least on dating apps.

They will complain that guys send them lame openers on Tinder (e.g. "Hi", "Sup", "Hello", etc.), but when the roles were flipped and they took the initiative…they sent the same lame openers.

The only problem?

Most guys are good at sending openers – because that’s what they did for years – but aren’t good at being the recipient, especially when they don’t get anything to work with. A girl will hit you a “hello” then expect you to wow her ass off with your magnificent conversation skills, and you must be really good at making a conversation out of what she sends you.

Many girls are lazier than you think

Bumble gives a girl 24 hours from the moment she matches with you to text you. If she doesn’t catch the deadline, the match expires, and you lose a hottie who already liked your looks because she was lazy. There’s nothing to do about it but to be so good at getting Bumble likes that you don’t rely on just one or two girls to get a date.

So on top of picking the best dating app photos and creating an enticing bio she can't resist, you also need to up your conversation game by knowing just what to say.

Good Bumble Questions to Ask When She Messages You

Asking good (non-boring) questions is probably the easiest way to keep a conversation going, be it on Bumble on in real life. I used to be surprised when girls ask me to ask them questions about themselves. It felt weird at first but then I noticed that only the ones who like me actually want me to ask them about themselves.

To keep it simple, the more she talks, the more emotional she becomes. And that makes her more likely to say yes when you ask her out.

I will reveal a few good questions to ask when she messages you on Bumble, but let's first list a few useful techniques that you can use to get Bumble girls to talk more once you ask her the best questions to ask on Bumble:

Tease her about the opener

Teasing is one of the best ways to flirt with girls without looking needy. With one hand you're complimenting her and with the other, you drive her crazy and show her that you don't care much about her reaction.

On Bumble, you can tease a girl by mocking her opener in a fun, but non-disrespecting way. Girls are terrible at sending openers because they're used to receiving them. They will ignore you if you open with "hey" or "how's your day" but they have no problem sending you the same openers.


Use this irony to tease her...

If she opens with "Hey" you can tell her:

"Best pickup line I heard this week. You're already raising the bar."

"Is that what you say to all guys? You're such a player."

Use a push-pull

We have an entire article about why the push-pull technique is one of the best ways to make her want you. But to give you a summary, it's basically making her feel good then teasing her. Here are some examples of lines that you can use when hers isn't that interesting:

"Looking at your photos, I expected a more interesting opener than that."

"She cute but texts lame openers...What can I say, nobody's perfect :p"

"Is that how you pick up guys? Just so you know, I don't sleep with girls before the 11th date"

Fun questions

After replying to her first message, now what? You need to keep her interest in a way that will keep the conversation flowing. The best way to do this is by asking her questions about herself. No, I'm not talking about turning your Bumble conversation into an interview. I'm talking about getting to know her better and building some rapport through some fun questions.

We have a list of 400 amazing questions to ask a girl, but for now, here's a list of the best questions to ask on Bumble:

  • The apocalypse starts an hour into our first date. What’s your best attribute that keeps us alive?
  • What is your most embarrassing memory?
  • If you can learn one skill in just 24 hours, what would you choose?
  • You just won a free flight for two to anywhere in the world. Where are you taking me?
  • Which movie villain is the closest to your heart? Why?
  • What’s your worst travel experience ever?
  • You get one superpower for a week, what would you choose?
  • Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
  • What’s the one thing that makes you smile every morning?
  • What’s the one thing you’re most grateful for?

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Bumble Conversation Starters that Aren’t Questions 

Not sure how to pull off these Bumble questions out of the blue? There are other Bumble conversation starters that aren't questions but will still do the job. Think: Memes, images, and memorable things girls mention in their bio.

Here's how it works:

1. Create a bio she can talk about

By far, this is one of the best Bumble conversation starters.

I spent a lot of time on both Bumble and Tinder and from my experience, Bumble women will pay more attention to your bio than Tinder girls. This makes sense since she's the one starting the conversation so she will check your bio to see if there's something interesting about you that works as an opener.

And if you have a really good bio, women will text you left and right.

For instance, In my bio, I mentioned something funny about being a FRIENDS fan, and it's so good girls often use it as an opener.

2. Ignore her opener

Here's a secret weapon in case you can't come up with good Bumble conversation starters:

Ignore her "hey" or "waving hands" and act as if she's on Tinder and you want to wow her.

One of my lazy, and yet very successful, openers is to look at her photos then send this:

"Don't ask why, but you remind me of this" + Send a fun Gif

This one worked even with the typo.

3. Read her bio (and use what's in it)

Actually, read her bio. Girls on Bumble usually put more time into perfecting their bio than on Tinder. So their bios are generally more interesting and you should use them to craft a message that shows you care.

You can send her messages about:

  • her job
    • "I bet working in [industry] is fun"
    • For anyone in healthcare: "You take care of so many patients, but let me take care of you this time."
    • For flight attendants: tell her your best travel experience
  • hobbies
    • "I've never met anyone who's into [hobby]"
    • "You have, by far, the most interesting hobby I've heard of."
  • food she loves
    • "I know some really amazing [cuisine] spots in the city. We should go some time."
  • a line from her favorite book/movie/song
    • Message her with a reply from that same fandom

Remember that when you tease her, don't be disrespectful. Just a little tease coated with a nice compliment and before you know it you'll have a fun conversation going on.

Bumble questions can be a lifesaver when you match with a girl who doesn't know how to start a conversation. So follow our lead and try out some of these questions. You might just turn a boring conversation into a fun and exciting date!


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