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How To Tell If A Woman Is Horny (And What To Do About It)

Woman who wants a guy

No matter what you’re looking for in dating, sex is going to be a part of it somewhere along the line. Knowing how to tell if a woman is horny can play a big part in your success.

In this article, I’ll be covering a few of the most obvious signs you should be looking for. I’ll also talk briefly about what to do when you notice them. After all, there’s no point recognizing that she wants you if you aren’t going to act on it.

How to tell if a woman is horny

Some signals can be quite subtle or only apply to some women. Rather than getting into the complexities of that, we’re just going to talk about the easier ones to identify. The aim here is to have you ready to go tonight, not after six months of reading!

With this article in mind, you’re going to start noticing things you hadn’t before. It’s actually pretty exciting when you see them in action for the first time. If you are still looking for some extra guidance after you finish this article we have put together a detailed video course for meeting and attracting women you need to see.

She’s dressed to look sexy

Women know how to dress for the occasion. You can always assume that what they’re wearing was an intentional choice.

If she’s wearing something that screams sex appeal, she’s already broadcasting this to you from the moment she arrives. She wants you to look at her and immediately think about having sex with her too.

This is even more of an obvious sign if she’s usually quite conservative. Either way though, when she’s showing up to the date looking like this, you know you’re in for a fun night.

Acknowledge what she’s wearing, appreciate the reasons behind it and enjoy the evening.

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How to tell if a woman is horny -- Is she overtly flirty

Given social norms and expectations, a lot of flirting tends to be quite subtle. If she’s being very obvious about it with you then she wants you to pay attention.

When you’re unsure how to tell if a woman is horny, it can be easy to convince yourself that you’re just reading into things. I can assure you if she’s being almost over the top in her flirting, it’s very deliberate.

She wants to speed things up a little and is broadcasting that she wants you.

This can be blatantly telling you that you look good. Making comments to her friends about how attractive or impressive you are or even a lip bite and ‘that look’ across the table. She wants to be sure that you’re getting the message.

Here’s a quick example from a work function I was at a few months ago. We were standing around drinking and generally chatting away and a female attractive ex-staff member joined the group.

I noticed that as people came and went from this group, she kept shuffling closer and paid close attention to me.

At one point, one of the guys made a comment about the size of my arms. I jokingly apologized and said I’ll put my coat back on for him. She immediately grabs my arm with both hands, looks at him and says “oh nooo, it’s okay. He can stay just like this” and then smiles at me.

That’s exactly the kind of overt flirting I’m talking about here.

She actively brings up the topic of sex

If sex is on her mind, it’s going to make its way into the conversation too. She wants you and wants to know if the feeling is mutual.

The easiest way to for her to gauge your interest is to talk about sex and see how you respond. If you fidget in your seat and change the subject, you’re clearly not interested right now.

On the other hand, she knows that if you start contributing to that conversation, you want her too. It’s a low-risk, subtle way of seeing if you’re into her and if you’re a sexual person.

With the subtleties out of the way, you’re both free to escalate quite safely from there. We’ll get into this later though.

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Affectionate and handsy

Sometimes the setting just isn’t right to dress or act quite so obvious. When that’s the case, she’ll be a bit more subtle about it. Still obvious when you know how to tell if a woman is horny but not so obvious that everyone can see.

In this case, she’ll be more affectionate with you. Maybe even a little handsy at times. She wants to be in your personal space and to see how you react to her being there.

This might start with a compliment about how you look or how she appreciates certain things about you. It’s not going to stop there though.

If she wants you, she’ll keep pressing gently until she gets a response from you. She needs to know that you’re paying attention.

As the night goes on, she might start touching you a little more too. Rather than suggesting you join her at the bar for a shot, she might grab your hand and lead you there instead.

Once you’re there, she’ll stand almost on top of you, just barely making contact. If you still haven’t given her anything, she might even start putting her hands on you as she’s talking. It could be a hand on your chest as she emphasizes a point or on your shoulder as she makes a joke.

Exactly how she displays this affection and where she touches you is fairly irrelevant. She wants you and needs you to know it. She’s escalating with you and is hoping you reciprocate.

You keep catching her checking you out

Have you ever been on a date with a woman and noticed she keeps looking at more than just your face?

I don’t mean if you’re fiddling with something in the middle of the table or showing her something. I’m talking about in the middle of a conversation. Rather than maintaining eye contact while you talk, her eyes keep wandering.

Yeah, she’s checking you out and it’s a great sign for you. If you turn around quickly and notice her looking at your butt, that’s one thing. When you’re sitting a foot from each other, face to face and keeps doing it though, she doesn’t mind being caught.

She obviously finds you physically attractive and there’s an excellent chance that she wants you right now. And that means it's the perfect time to create sexual tension.

Think of it like when you’re sitting across from an attractive woman in a low cut dress. It’s very distracting, right? The difference is, it’s acceptable for her to look.

If it fits with your sense of humor, you can even call her out on it. Jokingly, of course. I always stop mid-sentence and say “hey, my eyes are up here!” It’s a lighthearted way of saying that I see what she’s doing and it’s okay.

So that brings me to my next point . . .

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What to do when a woman is horny

Once you’ve identified that she wants you, learning how to react is simple. In fact, the basics of it are the same across all situations. There are just two steps to cover here.

Acknowledge what she’s doing

So much of what she’s doing is about making sure she has your attention. She wants to know that you notice her.

To avoid giving her the wrong signals here, make sure you acknowledge that she's building sexual tension. It can be something subtle like continuing a sexual conversation she initiated.

If you’re in the right environment and have the confidence, you can also choose to be more direct. If she moves a couple of inches closer to you in a booth, put your arm around her and pull her next to you.

If she’s just grabbed your hand and lead you to the bar, when you get there, stand close behind her with a hand on her hip. This doesn’t feel awkward and is ultimately a small step beyond what she was doing anyway.

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Escalate confidently

Whatever happens, you need to make sure you escalate at some point that night. If she’s showing you she’s interested and you just hug her and leave, you’re giving the wrong signal.

You’re suggesting that either you aren’t interested or you just don’t have the confidence to do anything about it. Neither of these are a good outcome, I’m afraid. Time to show her how you really feel!

So what should you do? For starters, you can go the safe-ish route and try to turn her on with words. When she's getting a little handsy and she's all over you, acknowledge this by saying something flirtatious and sexy.

Once you see that she's still on board, time to get more explicit by telling her you want her sexually. Invite her over to your place. Tell her how sexy she is. Or you can go back to body language and start touching her the way she's touching you.

And from there, it should be all smooth sailing and you'll have her in bed in no time!


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