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What Do Girls Like in Guys in 2025? (11 Things Every Guys Needs)


Have you ever wondered “What do girls like in a guy?” In this article, I’ll tell you exactly what women like in the men they want to date. I’ll also show you how you can become someone women will be attracted to in general.

This knowledge will help you avoid many different issues with women and make your dating life a whole lot easier. It’ll also make sure your initial interactions when approaching girls go smoothly and more in your favor.

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Here are the top answers to what girls look for in guys along with a few tips on what to do about it.

What Do Girls Like In A Guy In General

First of all, every girl is different and has her own likes and dislikes when it comes to men. That’s why the first step is always to figure out what the girl you’re attracted to likes specifically.

You can do this in many different ways. But the best one involves getting to know her well, connecting with her on a deeper level and then asking her directly.

However, don’t go asking about these things as soon as you meet someone. Because if you do it the wrong way, it’ll often seem weird and needy. As if you’re trying to figure out what she likes in guys to impress her and make her like you, which never goes well.

That’s why I recommend asking these questions only after spending some time with her, after getting to know her and having fun together. When you notice she already likes you at least a little bit, she’ll be more eager to share this information with you.

Lastly, even though each individual girl’s likes and dislikes will be different, there will still be several things about men most women will like in general.

What Do Girls Look For In Guys They Want To Date

As promised, to answer the question of “What do girls look for in guys?” Here's a list of the main qualities women like and find extremely important in men, in no particular order.

Women like men of action

Girls will always like and appreciate guys who take action and go for what they want. This doesn’t mean just in dating but in life in general.

That’s because women are attracted to guys who see a good opportunity to do something and then do it without excuses or hesitation. It’s all a part of being decisive and ambitious, which is a huge part of what makes a guy manly.

Basically, girls don’t like guys who do nothing good with their time. They don’t want guys who just sit at home watching TV all day or playing video games and not going out into the world. They don’t want a guy who’s too afraid to take a risk and make a change in their life.

Guys like that often lack social skills and become complacent in their lives. It’s very unattractive as women don’t want to be with a guy who’s going nowhere in life and has no active interests.

Guys who don’t take action are also boring as hell. And if a woman ever labels you a boring dude, you’ll never have a chance to spark a romantic and sexual relationship with her. You'll never get a girl to like you.

So how do you become a man of action? That’s pretty easy -- go and do stuff with your life! There are many things girls like that guys do.

Take up a hobby or two and go exercise more often. Start going to various social gatherings, make new friends and acquaintances, and fill up your schedule.

It doesn’t mean you have to always live life on the edge and never relax. Quite the contrary, it just means you should fill your life with fun events, activities and hobbies, so you always have something to do instead of moping around at home during your free time.

The Dating Apps Where Regular Guys Meet Great Girls

If you're struggling to meet a great girl you're probably not looking in the right place. A lot of guys don't have much success using dating apps because they aren't using the right ones. It's a very important decision since online dating has become critical to meeting single girls and you miss out on so many opportunities if you're not on at least one app.

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Girls like guys who aren’t afraid of them

This is a pretty big point plenty of men miss altogether.

Sure, it’s sometimes cutesy and endearing to show a little shyness around women, as if you’re dumbstruck and paralyzed by their beauty. But in most cases, it’s very important to show you’re not intimidated by women at all.

Honestly, women do want you to appreciate their beauty and strength of character. But what they don’t want is for you to be scared or intimidated by these things.

If you’re afraid of simply talking to women or being yourself around them, what’s to stop you from running away when you’re faced with a real challenge? You can’t just run off at the first sign of trouble or confrontation.

You see, women want to feel safe and secure in the knowledge that you can stand up for yourself and others. They want to feel safe and protected around you. They also want to know you have a handle on things and can take care of them and yourself if something happens.

So next time you’re around women you like, don’t show any signs of timidness or meekness. Even if you’re a little unsure of yourself, don’t come off as insecure or needy.

Have a little confidence in yourself and show her that you’re a guy she can rely on in a pinch. Relax, smile warmly, loosen up any tension in your back and shoulders, and keep your head straight. Stay in the present moment, talk slowly at a comfortable pace and don’t rush things.

All of these actions will show her you have full control over yourself and that her beauty or charms are not intimidating to you. But most importantly, don’t forget to be playful with the women you’re talking to. It shows you’re completely at ease.

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What do girls look for in guys? A caring person

When men ponder questions like “What do girls look for in guys?” they often seem to forget the simple yet important quality of being caring.

Truth is, everyone wants to be around caring people, and women are no exception. Women need to know they actually matter to you and that you’re not just using them for something like sex, favors, status, and similar things.

A woman wants a man who can assure her that she doesn’t have to go through life alone. She wants to know that no matter what happens, assuming she’s in the right, you’ll have her back and be supportive of her. She wants you to be there for her when she needs you, whether it’s just for a quick trip to the mall or when she’s going through a tough time in her life.

On top of that, women want a man who’s capable of caring for them and any future children they may have. That’s why “a caring man” is on top of most lists of what women would like in an ideal partner.

So how do you become such a guy? Well, one of the main qualities of a caring person is the ability to listen carefully to others.

When you’re talking to women, listen to them and actually care about the things they say. Don’t listen in order to reply but listen to get to know them better and connect with them on a personal level. Put away your phone and other distractions and give them your undivided attention.

If you’re already dating, then be observant of their needs and wants. Be encouraging, take a genuine interest in their hobbies and show them they matter to you.

What do girls like in a guy? Strength

Girls like guys who are strong physically, emotionally and mentally. And the majority of women are biologically hardwired to be attracted to physically strong guys.

This doesn’t mean you have to look like a Greek god and have muscles on your muscles to become worthy of love and a great relationship. It simply means you shouldn’t be a weakling because most women don’t like a man who’s as strong as a wet noodle.

As I said before, women want to feel safe when they’re with you. And knowing you have enough physical strength to take care of yourself is comforting.

So, barring some very unusual circumstances, like when you’re a regular guy and your girlfriend’s an Olympic athlete, you should at least strive to be a bit physically stronger than her. A gym membership or a great outdoors exercise routine will help you achieve that.

This is particularly important during sex as plenty of women become immensely sexually aroused when they’re around a guy who can dominate them physically. Most women will melt if you can pin them against the wall, pick them up in your arms and ravish them.

That said, mental and emotional strength matters greatly as well. Especially during the initial dating process.

This type of strength shows women you won’t crumble under pressure. This strength means you have enough willpower not to succumb to various temptations like cheating or indulging in various relationship-ruining vices. It also shows you’re emotionally mature and not a nervous wreck.

All of this is another part of being manly and attractive to women. Because when you don’t let emotions get the better of you, it means you won’t let other people control or manipulate you easily. I don’t have to tell you how attractive that is.

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Women like attention

So what do girls like about guys more than pretty much anything else? The answer is their attention. In fact, lack of attention in a relationship is one of the biggest reasons for breakups.

This issue arises when guys either don’t have the time for their partners, don’t want to be around them for one reason or another, or simply start taking them for granted.

So make sure you give the girl you like enough attention by spending time with her or checking up on her when you’re apart. Just don’t overdo it and keep in mind that women have different thresholds for attention. You have to find the golden middle because too much attention is just as bad as not enough.

The trick to finding this balance is to give her small displays of your love, affection and appreciation whenever you can. And then ask her how she feels about your attention. This is a great way to know if your crush, your friend or even your coworker likes you.

Also, take the time to learn about the various things she enjoys and surprise her on occasion. Text her something sweet every once in a while. Plan nice evenings together and focus on mutual pleasure. But also respect her personal space by giving her some “me time” when she needs it.

Girls like independent men, not lost little boys

Another big answer to the “what do girls like in a guy?” question is independence.

Women like men who are independent, who follow their own path in life and don’t look to others for answers, only encouragement and understanding. Even shy girls will show their attraction to you if you're like this.

Consequently, they vehemently dislike guys who are looking for women to “complete them.” Because it means these men aren’t happy on their own and think that somehow getting a girlfriend or wife will solve all their problems. That’s massively unattractive, as well as unhealthy.

Looking for someone else to “complete you” often makes things worse because people end up expecting too much from their partners. And as you know, codependency in a relationship is not healthy. Because it doesn’t allow the relationship to flourish.

So what do girls like in a guy? The ability to be independent and self-sufficient.

Girls like guys who can make them laugh

Another huge quality most women like in a guy is a great sense of humor. In fact, women often say a good sense of humor is among the most attractive and sexy things in a man.

It makes every experience much more enjoyable and memorable. It lightens the mood when it’s necessary and lets you connect with one another significantly easier. Plus, it makes the whole attraction and seduction process smooth and enjoyable.

That’s why I always urge guys to learn how to make a girl laugh if they want to be successful in dating and relationships.

Granted, some women can be quite serious, so they’re not looking for a guy who jokes around all the time. But even serious women have a funny bone you can tickle, though it may take more time to get her to crack a smile and then laugh.

Looks fade, money comes and goes, and most things are fleeting. But humor is something that can remain forever a cornerstone of a great relationship.

Good manners are sexy

When thinking about what girls look for in guys, many people tend to overlook something as simple and inconspicuous as good manners. But good manners and respect go hand in hand.

Truth is, when women see you’re someone who has good manners, they can immediately become more attracted to you.

However, it’s important you not only treat the girl you’re seeing with respect, but also other people in general. Otherwise, she may think you’re faking it if you’re only respectful around her and not other people. This is reason enough for a girl to not like you.

For example, a man who treats a girl well but yells at waiters is not a well-mannered man. Likewise, a well-mannered man treats both the CEO of a company and the janitor with the same level of dignity.

I’m sure if you saw a girl treat your waiter rudely, you wouldn’t want to date her. The same thing goes for you as well. No self-respecting woman will want to date a rude, self-centered asshole with zero manners.

So treat others with respect and show good manners, then women will like you more.

Women like men who don’t pressure them into things

Everyone’s moving at their own pace, so it’s wise to give people the necessary time to do various things. Women want a man who can acknowledge the pace of a relationship. Some women are okay with sleeping with you on the first date, while others are not.

What’s universal, however, is that they all appreciate men who are willing to accept “no” or “not now” for an answer. This applies to everything from kissing to meeting each other’s families, to going on vacation together.

That’s why women like and appreciate men who are chill, relaxed and don’t pressure them into anything. They want a guy who will date them and let them choose what to do without being on their case too much.

It feels pretty liberating for most women to hang out with a guy who respects what they want and doesn’t push himself unto them or force them into things like a clueless bozo.

Girls will always like guys who can be themselves

All women want an authentic man who is honest with himself without pretending to be someone he’s not. Authenticity is also about not feigning interest in various things that aren’t actually interesting to you just to score some brownie points. In fact, being yourself is enough of a test to see if a girl likes you for who you really are.

Women appreciate this quality greatly because it also encourages them to drop their masks and just be themselves around you as well. They want to show you their real personalities, be vulnerable with you and share their deepest thoughts. And they want you to do the same.

Women feel comfortable with guys who can be honest with themselves and with others. She'll feel even more at ease if you’re able to express your feelings honestly as well.

So next time you’re around women, don’t try to hide your personality.  Allow her to see into your world by showing her your hobbies and interests. Don’t be afraid to show how passionate you are about things and don’t be afraid to bare your quirks and all. Because these are the things that make you who you are and contribute to your unique worldview.

Open communication

Women want to be able to talk to you about everything and nothing at the same time. They want a man whom they can talk to about both serious topics and silly, random things.

Communication and the ability to listen are massively important in any relationship. And women really like guys who can listen to them without actively looking for problems to solve.

You may not really care about the random stories they tell you throughout the day. You may not care about the intricacies of the color maroon and its impact on the curtains she wants for her bedroom. But it’s still important to let her talk about this with you. Because she has to know you’re always open to communication, which is a must for a healthy relationship.

Likewise, women want a man who can communicate with them as well. Too many men are afraid of expressing themselves through words and emotions because they think it’s not manly. But if you want a woman to really get to know you, you have to talk to her about what’s important to you too.

Communication is a two-way street. Women want a man who can both listen and speak up when they need to.

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What Type of Guys Do Girls Like and Find Extremely Attractive?

Now that we understand what girls like about guys in general, let’s talk about something else that’s very important. I want to show you what type of guys girls like, as opposed to the qualities they possess.

There are many types of attractive men in the world. Here’s a small list of the most common ones:

  • Romantic lovers
  • Geeky nerds
  • Badboys who turn out to be nice
  • Intellectuals
  • Laidback types
  • Sensitive dudes
  • Ambitious go-getters
  • Shy guys
  • Comical guys

The list goes on and on and can be pretty much endless.

Now, here’s the important bit: There is no one type of guy that women prefer over all the other types.

Women like all different types of men because there are also all different types of women.

There’s no cookie-cutter type of guy you should strive to become. So don’t even think about this bullshit question of “What type of guys do girls like?” because it’ll just bog down your mind with unnecessary anxiety.

The answer is to become a VERSATILE MAN. Someone who can be romantic, laidback, sensitive, ambitious, shy, comical, intellectual, and so on and so forth, when it’s necessary. That’s the only thing you should focus on. Everything else is just noise.

Besides, if you try to focus on becoming a certain type of guy because you think it’ll improve your chances of getting laid, it’ll look disingenuous and people around you will feel you’re trying to be someone you’re not. That’s massively unattractive.

Now you have the answer to “What do girls like in guys?” In short, there are many things girls like about guys.

However, this doesn’t have to mean that you must possess all of these traits above for women to like you. Instead, it’s best to strive to become a man who has most of these traits. That way, you can be a better person who is more likely to attract women.


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